RTG partners Swiss-based hospitality group
ERAINBOW Tourism Group Limited (RTG) has partnered Switzerland-based hospitality group Grand Metropolitan Holdings BV (GMH), to create multiple joint ventures.
The joint ventures are in technology and hospitality.
RTG yesterday said that the aim of the partnership was to leverage the expertise and resources of GMH.
“Rainbow Tourism Group Limited has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Grand Metropolitan Holdings BV a Switzerland-based and Dutch-registered international hospitality company. In terms of the partnership, RTG and GMH will form various joint venture entities which will leverage various opportunities within the hospitality and tech industries throughout the African continent,” RTG said.
The group announced that strategic partnership was officially launched on at the Westin Hotel Cape Town, South Africa, on the sidelines of the three-day World Travel Market Africa showcase which ends today.
GMH has a rich history as an independent White Label Operator with a strong balance sheet, boasting assets exceeding €200 million.
The company has a proven track record of creating its own brands and expanding through partnerships with international hotel brands and their worldwide distribution networks, RTG revealed.
RTG said several aspects were included in the strategic partnership.
“The envisioned key elements of the partnership are formation of a Zimbabwean joint venture entity which will identify and pursue new hotel opportunities in the country, formation of a sub-Saharan African joint venture entity which will focus on various hotel opportunities across sub-Saharan Africa and the formation of a hospitality academy in partnership with a top Swiss hospitality school which will be a hospitality training hub aimed at expanding the skilled human capital base in the industry and international market,” the group said
RTG added that the partnership will foster creation and development of a digital platform offering innovative solutions to enhance guest experiences and streamline operations whilst focusing on developing advanced technology solutions that integrate technology and hospitality.
RTG said that the strategic partnership was basically growth-oriented and specifically for the creation of new value.
“The formation of the Zimbabwe hospitality academy is a demonstration of Zimbabwe leading in developing solutions for human capital for Africa by Africans,” RTG said.
“This strategic partnership will position RTG as one of the largest hospitality companies in Africa through this expansion which will focus on management contracts, franchises, lease and affiliations as well as the exploitation of online opportunities.”